189 - QC420 - 1.8 - RHD - White - Current owner known (PC) - Luxembourg

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Justin Smith
Posts: 520
Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:15 pm

I was in email conversation with the owner of #010 and they said they thought #189 was originally owned by (CK) from Luxembourg and in January 2005 I had an email from (CK) - he confirmed he did buy #189 from the UK around 1990 from Mr J R Ramsbottom near Keighley.

Hello. Was on your internet page today. Congratulations. I am owner of chassis 189. I bought the car in G.B. around 1990. The car is registered in Luxembourg. Unfortunately i have not enough time to drive the car. But it is in new condition with around 9000 miles. Colour is white and is RHD. I keep it in garage with cover . Thanks. (CK) Luxembourg. A friend of mine has also an RS200, white LHD. He bought it also around 1990 in Frankfurt-Germany. Will let you know the chassis number.

So, she is registered in Luxembourg as QC240 (for the moment),and she may have been given the UK index E249OCX but we are not sure.

She had around 9000 miles on her, she was registered in the UK on 7th July 1988 and then in Luxembourg on 16th October 1990. In October 2005 I was reading an old owners club magazine and I saw that it mentioned that #189 was at the 1990 Pembry meet and was with Paul Dunkel.

In 2010 (CW) send me an email with some images..

Hi Justin,

I have attached photos of car #189 when Jack owned it. I hope the photos aren't so big they crash your computer! Thought I'd send you a few then you have a reasonable choice. We don't mind you using any of the photos for your book but could you please obscure the number plate - XXXXX, as it is still in use on another car. I also have some pics of the inside if they are of any use?

When Jack owned the car it was mainly used for Sunday runs out.

We have done some digging regarding its plate. When Jack bought it he had XXXXX put on the car straight away, so he never had another plate on it. When it was sold to Carlo, XXXXXX was taken off the car straight away & then it went immediately abroad so we think it never had an English plate put on it, however maybe the V5 after Jack sold it reverted to an English plate until it was registered abroad. If it went to Pembry maybe that English plate was on it then but certainly when Jack had it, it was only ever known as XXXXXX.

Speaking of Carlo have you heard anything from him regarding the manual?

Look forward to hearing from you.


If you find out anything else about this car please drop me an email and i'll update the cars entry !



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