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EVO/works Car Coolant Swirl Pot

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:36 pm
by steveboyslim
A few questions for owners of EVO or cars/competition cars using the inch and three quarter larger water pipes with the 'pink' silicon/rubber pipes.
Firstly the coolant swirl pot, the lower pipe welded to the pot, is it horizontal with an angled silicone/rubber joining piece or is the lower welded pipe bent with a straight silicon/rubber joiner ?
Secondly the road and competition cars again using the large water pipes, does the rear water outlet on the cylinder head still connect to the front heater matrix via the original small separate water pipe or is the water outlet in the head blanked, the smaller pipe not used with the heater matrix piped in parallel with the main coolant radiator ?
Can anyone supply any pictures of the larger pipe swirl pot installation and answer any of the questions about the heater matrix installation.

