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RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:24 pm
by alane
Hi all,
Car 156 is for sale, is it worth the £100k ?
does anyone jknow any histroy on this one ??

Re: RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:27 pm
by Mike 2
The eBay advert states that the car is unregistered yet in the chassis database it says that 156 has an index of G, so it has been registered! :?

Justins write up in the data base matches the description in the ad, so it looks like the same car.

Re: RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:47 pm
by surfwarrior 1
would 85k be an acceptable offer.

Re: RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:10 pm
by Mike 2
I think the car looks amazing, but as with all of these things try and get a valuation from the RSOC first.
Visit and inspect the car yourself or get a professional body to do it for you, I would try and get an owner of a genuine car (which has seen regular use) to check it with you too.
Then make an offer based on that.


Re: RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:49 am
by tentenths
surfwarrior 1 wrote:would 85k be an acceptable offer.
I bid the seller £50k and he didnt reply but I'm a tight ass and thats a little bit more than I think its worth but I still would like one for a bit of fun so I bid him high. I certainly would not park it in a showroom to look at as its not ecatly the best looking car ever made but I bet its a cracking experience to drive.

Re: RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:30 pm
by stuartg
tentenths - by trying to convince everybody that their cars are worthless is unlikely to persuade somebody to sell you a car for what you can afford to pay.

Re: RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:53 pm
by tentenths
stuartg wrote:tentenths - by trying to convince everybody that their cars are worthless is unlikely to persuade somebody to sell you a car for what you can afford to pay.
You do not know what I can afford to pay ?

I bid , I said more than I intended to as that is how much I valued the car at.

If you value it more then thats your perogative.

When a recent (Evo) ( The dogs dangley bits) returns a seller £95k who spent probably £50k on it then you tell me to value a stock car at £100k .

Can you explain your logic to me as its beyond my comprehension.

Re: RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:41 pm
by surfwarrior 1
Has anybody contacted the seller and talked to him about the car, as i am looking for a standard car to you on a regular basis in summer.

Re: RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:03 pm
by stuartg
I didn't say this car is worth £100k, I said that you are not going to talk somebody into selling you a mint genuine car for £50k because that is what YOU value it at.

The reality is that you could take any genuine RS200 in good running condition and break it up, sell the bits on ebay and get more than £50k back on it. A standard original car with very low miles etc must therefore be worth considerably more than £50k. Are you surprised the seller didn't get back to you?

You NEVER get your money back on race and rally cars. People spend tens of thousands of pounds every day of the week on their cars and it rarely ever increases the value of their car by the amount they've spent. In many cases, modifying cars actually reduces their value as many people want original cars. The fact that the seller of that evo spent £50k on it then sold it for £95k doesn't meant that it was worth £45k to start with, it just means that he spent lots of money on the car without increasing it's value by the same level.

Re: RS200 - #156 - £100k

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:53 pm
by stradman
Have you ever thought perhaps that the price of the Evo that was sold at auction recently was actually a stonking bargain(which I think was) and that I doubt you will be able to pick another one up of similar value ever again?? And don't tell me that just because it was sold at that particular auction that is definitely its market value. If that car was marketed differently, perhaps at a different venue, and through different channels, I am sure it would have raised more money. So maybe you shouldn't use that as you yardstick.....