Boreham from the air circa 80's-90's

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Justin Smith
Posts: 520
Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:15 pm

This is what the site looked like from the air which I suspect would have been in the 80's/90's unless someone can pick out some detail that ties that date range down a little.

The main road in, Holts Lane, is seen starting at the bottom of the image coming upwards, past some farm buildings before the first staff car park (on the right). After that was the security gate and the main workshops on the right hand side. You then used to be able to access the test track by going straight up (past another gate) on the live, clockwise track.

As you entered the track you past over the dirt course that you can see looping on the right which past over the road and goes out of shot to the left (hence the gate!) - I got taken round that in a works sierra by, I think, someone HEAD, was it Patrick Head ?

I was also lucky enough to be able to drive the track at speed during my police driving course as FORD were very liberal about letting Essex Police use the track.

Later they started using the control tower to look after their helicopter deployments so this might be quite early 80's as I cannot see the helicopter base very well from this photo.

Towards the far side on the track you can see a large hanger next to a man made gradient test - This was where the 200 sales program was run by Bob which is where the Stratton car shot was taken I think.

Sadly now a lot of gravel being dug from the site. I'll give this image to the helicopter crew who still work from here and see if we can get a "Boreham as it is today" shot :)
14 November 2013 (6).jpg
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