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123 - B20FMS - 1.8 - RHD - White - Current owner known (MM) - UK

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:52 pm
by Justin Smith
From reading the original FORD paperwork I beleive this car was originally sold to Mr Robert Walters from Surrey around August 1988 although I think it may at some point have been owned by Dieter Steffen from Germany.

I think it was originally give the index F691WEH and may have had RAW538 on it at some point also.

I have spoken to (JB) and he owned #123 (along with #179 at some point and also owned #081 and #106) - He thought he bought it from Mr Walters and does not recall Dieter Steffen being an owner - (JB) thought it was sold through Oakfields but had no idea where it was, he may have some photos of her somewhere.

Someone did send me one photo which on the back was written "Car 123 at an RS day 1990"

In October 2008 the current owner of #123 (JJ) got in in touch. He confirms states that the car did indeed have F691WEH on it but it is now JBZ6830.

November 2014 - (JJ) has been touch and updated me about the car...
Can you update my RS200 No 00123 with new and current photo’s please. She has been fully rebuilt to 1986 Homologation papers and no detail has been missed. Clive Taylor responsible for the rebuild and Steve Strip for the fineries.

I can see she now bears the index B20 FMS.

Jan 2015 - I received an email from the new owner of #123 a Mr (TB) who plans on ensuring the car gets out to some shows in 2015.

Dec 2017 - I was surfing around and found he company that undertook the transformation, check out the images of their fantastic work!

Mar 2020 - I received an email from SB "Hi Justin, I see you have got some of the details correct of this vehicle, but the restoration of it was not done by who you have noted, they just have a photo reel The restoration of this vehicle was all done and completed in Northern Ireland! I know this as I myself was involved. You will actually find more and photos here as we completed the full bodywork restoration on the vehicle. I have photos and videos on old phones also of the restoration that I would need to work out how to remove. But I'm just hoping you can update the register and website and give correct credit to those who done the work"

2022 - A video was posted on YouTube featuring this car.

If you find out anything else about this car please drop me an email and I'll update the cars entry !
